• Discover your Sakinah in marriage with us!

  • Enjoy a $70 rebate!

    *For Marriage Preparation Programme.

    Scroll down to know more.

“And one of His signs is that He created for you spouses from among yourselves so that you may find comfort in them. And He has placed between you compassion and mercy. Surely in this are signs for people who reflect.”

Surah Ar-Rum 30 : 21

Cinta Abadi Milestones


Runs conducted from 2022 till 2024


Couples attended


Couples found the programme to be useful

Enjoy a $70 rebate

For Cinta Abadi Marriage Preparation Programme


  1. Both parties are Muslim

  2. Both parties are entering a first marriage (no previous marriage) or

  3. Both parties are already married (either first marriage or remarriage) and the marriage is registered either at the Registry of Muslim Marriages (ROMM) or an overseas registry;

  4. The Groom and Bride is at least 21 years and above at point of programme application;

  5. Both parties have attended and completed the 2-day CA Prep

  6. (a) At least one is a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident


(b) Singapore Citizen - Non-resident (SC-NR) couple who are required to attend the CA Prep programme and other relevant programmes before they are issued the Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP)

Our Programmes

Cinta Abadi Marriage Preparation Programme

Cinta Abadi Marriage Enrichment Programme

What do our participants say?

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